Friday, July 4, 2008

Boys vs. Girls: Girls Win

Part of all the sorting of the last week or so included going through all the kids' clothes...drawers, closets, everything!  I boxed up what doesn't fit, what they don't wear and leftover winter clothes from our cool, cool Spring.  When I put their drawers back together, I noticed something astonishing.

Here's the girls' rundown:  Ava gets two large dresser drawers, one small dresser drawer and a closet.  Sammie gets three dresser drawers, plus a smaller dresser drawer, a closet and two shoe shelves.

What you see to the left is what Chase gets.

(No, no.  Not the tiny dresser, just the top drawer.)

"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun."  Ecclesiastes 1:9


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