Sunday, September 27, 2009

Grandma Tricked Me?!?! ("Play-Doh" Recipe)

Mom copied me on this email to Kristin. Can't believe my beloved Grandma tricked me...


Found something today that might interest you. My Mom's recipe for Play-Doh that you make yourself: 1 cup flour, 1/2 cup salt, 2 teaspoons cream of tartar (this is very important), 1 cup water, 1 T. vegetable oil. Put in pan and stir over medium heat. Cook, stirring constantly for approximately 3 minutes. Store in an air tight container.  (Put food coloring in water before cooking if you want it colored. Also, leave out vegetable oil if you plan to make something and let it harden.) 

Story: Mom made Steve and Brian this dough to play with. Brian did not like it because it was not Play-Doh so he didn't play with it. So my Mom went out and bought Play-Doh for her "little pumpkin" and he played and played with it-well when it got dry she took out the old Play-Doh and made hers and put it in the Play-Doh containers, and he played and played with the "Play-Doh." 

Love Mom/Karen

Brian Signature copy

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Kissing Your What?

Parenting is a constant education for me.

Ava does almost everything at the top of her lungs.  Yesterday we tried to figure out where this little chant was coming from as she marched through the house.  Go ahead, say it out loud, in a marching rhyme. Imagine it in the cadence of a two-year old. This is what we heard:

"Eatin' peanut BUTtuh, kissin' your CHUDda."

Kissing your what did she say?

She said it over and over and over again.  Finally we asked where she learned it. A neighbor girl apparently taught the kids the new ending to an old elementary-school incantation.

Mister Tiger Missus Tiger sittin' in a tree.
First comes love, then comes marriage.
Then comes the baby in the baby carriage.
Eating peanut butter, kissing each other.

Oh....kissing each OTHer.



Sunday, September 20, 2009

Marshing Mellows by the Fire

We've had a fire pit in our woods for a few years to burn brush. Last Autumn, after clearing and burning brush, we'd typically make s'mores or just sit by the fire and talk. 

Our fireside fun is up a notch this year with the addition of a fire pit closer to the house and five or six fireside meals so far. I'm not even sure if it's technically Autumn yet! Because the pit is closer to the house (don't worry, Mom, it's not that close to the house), Grandaddy is able to join us now and shuttling food and drinks isn't nearly as troublesome.

We've had a great time with each and every fire. I especially like that this time feels like an escape of sorts and clean-up is a breeze. It doesn't hurt that we're typically joined by neighborhood kids or visiting family members or that the kiddos almost alway something or 
do something that's hilarious. For instance, last Sunday Ava asked me, "Dad, are we marshing mellows now?"

Anyone else have fond fireside memories?

Brian Signature copy

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bradenton Beach '09

School is well underway, so I've been reminiscing about our trip to Florida in June. Come back with me a minute.

This was the first time Chase had full-on access to a big pool and he found some courage with his water wings and hasn't looked back.

The first day it rained, we found the science center down town. This is a laser harp. If only the real things were that easy to play.

They had some kind of frog there that grew as big as a man's hand. It apparently just sits in the forest waiting for insects and crawly things to go by, but since it's in captivity they have to feed it. (YUCK!) The kids were enthralled.

Don't tell Ava she's too little for anything. She's moving a bowling ball with some kind of gear thing. (I'm the non-technical one standing by.)  Brian would want me to clarify that the bald guy near us is NOT him.

The second day it rained, we let the kids play outside our condo and pretend it was the beach.

The third day it rained...

It day rain a fourth day and we (er...uh...Brian) found the dollar theater. It was Ava's first theater experience and we saw "Monsters Vs. Aliens." good pic of that. At least where we don't all look like aliens ourselves.

The "big" kids helping Ava jump the waves.

I'd forgotten how long Sam's hair was. It's super short and super cute now.

I only include this to see if anyone else thinks it's funny that Sam is giving herself rabbit ears.

Dad started the burying with me, which I think he enjoyed immensely, then we went on to Sam.

I think she liked it.

Even little Ava braved the itchy adventure.

Five minutes after we left the beach...

I used to say I loved the beach and I thought I did. Put my family in the sand with me and it surpasses every other beach moment. Ever. *Sigh.*


Friday, September 4, 2009

Chase's First Football Game

The company I work for, Cook Medical, was kind enough to give employees two tickets to the first Indiana University football game, which was last night. And, Julie Schaefer, a Product Manager at Cook and my office neighbor, was kind of enough to give me her two tickets since she lives in Indianapolis. As a result, I was set to take Chase to his first game and ask my friend, Jeff Barnhill, and his son, Colin, to join us.

There was a problem, though. The game was at 8p.m., and I had an important conference call with some colleagues from our Asia-Pacific region at 730. Fortunately, Jeff said that's he'd drive. So, I was able to start my call while we were en route to the stadium, and was able to finish it as we walked through tailgate-party pandemonium. 

Talk about stressful... straining to listen to, understand and talk to Asians and Australians on a cell phone while trying to keep track of an excited four year old as we were walking through a sea of people.

When we got to the stadium fireworks started to not only kick off the season, but also introduce the amazing new North End Zone Facility at Memorial Stadium. You can see the new facility in the first picture below.

It was a great experience overall. The highlights for Chase included waiving one of the Barnhill's I.U. towels (until he started hitting a few folks around us), eating a hot dog and drinking a Sprite, talking to some young ladies I work with at Cook and running with a football on the mini-football field behind the South end zone. 

Wish I could say that the Hoosiers' performance was great as the rest of the experience. I guess all is well that ends well, though, as they were able to do just enough to pull out the victory against Eastern Kentucky. I think it's going to be another long year for our long-suffering program.

Looking forward to going to more games with Chaser...

Brian Signature copy